The first stream of the Political School starts.
The “Solidarity” Educational Research Foundation is launching a Political School with the support of the Westminster Foundation for Democracy.
The political school is open to all people aged 18-25 wishing to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge of political processes, political ideologies, ideological models of the economy, political history, rhetoric, public speech, political communication and other areas related to politics.
The course is free.Graduates will receive graduation certificates. The courses starts in December and will last for 5 months, including:
Three months course will last 3 days a week, from 19: 00-21: 00, for the following subjects
Political ideologies, political visions of economic development.
The political context of religion and history.
Rhetoric and public speech, political communication.
A month-long series of seminars on Political internal situation, social- economic, legal-political situation in Armenia, Artsakh issue, political history of Armenia, where the speakers will be members and supporters of “Citizen’s Decision” Social-Democratic Party.
5-day outgoing training will help to gain the trainer skills.
The trainers are experienced trainers-specialists.
To apply, please send a motivation letter to till November 25. In the letter you should mention your name, contact information, and briefly present why you want to study at the Political School.
If you have a question, be free to contact us: or you can write in our Facebook page of “Solidarity” Educational Research Foundation and call +374 10 530 222, +374 99 860 787.